by Paula Dezzutti Hewlette Sometimes our moods change as the sun starts to shift away from the brilliance of the Summer Solstice into the preparation of the renewal of our bodies during the hibernation of the Winter Season. You know the difference you feel from awakening to a cloudy day contrasted to having bright sunshine awake you from your slumber.
In ancient rituals, people rose in the morning and bowed to the sun, honoring the source of light and heat energy that sustains all life on this planet. Even nocturnal beings thrive on food sources that are only available because of the nurturance from the one light energy source that we know is present at all times, whether we can visually see it or not. That is the same light source that exists from within us. We turn within to find the light of our source. Many great teachers have known that if you place your focus on your breath, and turn your attention away from any outward confusion, then in the stillness you can access a part of your mind that offers greater peace and guidance. We are never in darkness, for universal guidance is always available to us; ever present, illuminating a path to our highest good. All we need is practice in awareness. Keep your heart and mind and eyes turned toward the light within and trust the guidance you receive. Don’t be concerned that a little needed year end rest is going to set you back. In the Torah and Bible there are many examples of how hard work and unbridled ambition took heroes and heroines to the top. In the Book of Exodus, the stories over and over again remind us that we are led from all darkness by a pillar of light that goes before us without falter. Abraham worked hard and became a wealthy man, so did Job. Joseph worked his way up from being a lowly slave to the prime minister of Egypt during a terrible time of crisis. In the New Testament, Lydia was a successful merchant who used her connections to gain wealth and support the Apostle Paul’s ministry. All of these examples demonstrate the commitment of strong people to use their faith for the benefit of the commonwealth and in doing so they too became successful. Remember that miracles do not intensify our faith, but faith intensifies our miracles. You are in charge! Take a well-deserved break and replenish when you have to. This could be the secret skill that’s the deciding factor between those who burn out and those who achieve success! For more practice in finding your inner strength or for speaker bookings contact [email protected] twitter @LocalChoiceUS Instagram: Local Choice Spirits Facebook: Local Choice Spirits
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