As humans, we are always learning, growing, changing our assumptions, going in new directions, amending our beliefs. If we’re not doing those things, we are going backwards since it’s impossible to stand still. Life is dynamic, it never stays in one place. Think about the people you see as role models. Do they keep doing the same thing over and over again? No. They find new ways to express their creativity and business savvy. That’s why we look up to them. They take chances, they go for it. We all have the ability to do that too. We often feel they are special and we’re not. Not true. The only difference between us and our role models is they take chances fully knowing there are no guarantees. They have as much chance of failing as succeeding. Why do they do one and not the other? They believe in themselves and often in something that will see them through whatever it is. They know, somehow, they will make it or they will learn how to do better whatever they are focused on. For them, no matter what happens they win. They will succeed this time or they will learn from it and succeed next time. Most of us want guarantees. The other thing I’ve seen happen with people I’ve interviewed as potential clients who want to wait until: they have enough money, enough time, etc. Clearly these are folks who are not committed to success or even believe they can achieve it. But, until we reach that stage nothing much can happen. I usually won’t accept them as clients because they are not seeing something so basic – It’s our commitment to our dream, the willingness to find a way even when there doesn’t seem to be one and the going for it against all odds that makes things happen. If we want something enough and have the daring to go for it, Life will give us resources from unexpected places and doors open that we were sure were closed. We don’t know exactly how it will play out. But….we dig in and learn whatever it is we need to learn and do whatever we can to move forward and then we do it all over again. For our whole life. There is no end to learning, no end to going for it to make our dreams come true. And, no end to the support from unexpected places and unexpected gifts. How boring it would be if we knew it all and had everything in place before we did anything. Then what? First of all, we would be the only ones because everyone around us would be learning and growing and having the thrill of taking a chance and seeing it all come together. Secondly, what would we do? Growing into new understandings, learning new skills and trusting ourselves and Life is exciting! It gives us things that stretch us and help us see how much more we can do. We really are limitless. If you don’t think so, think of the stories you’ve heard or read about people with what should be crippling disabilities who have become business moguls or heroes of a movement because they refused to think, whatever the obstacle, that it was meant to stop them. They are not different from you and me. It’s only their thoughts that are different. They think they can do it and often we don’t think we can. So, now you have it…the only thing that stops us is how we think. If you think you can learn to do what you need to do, you will. If you think you can accomplish something you can. If you think you can overcome an obstacle you do. You get to decide how you will live your life. Will you admit to yourself you don’t know and be willing to find out? Will you stretch beyond what you can do now to something new? Will you go for something you really want even if you don’t know how it will turn out? If you do all of those things you have already won and Life will support you. You can do this, whatever it is. It is meant for you to do. My best to you, Dianne, Accountability Coach for list of perks you receive when you join the Accountability family. Photo by Dane Deaner for Unsplash Those of us who live in and near the Charleston area of South Carolina feel very blessed and exceedingly lucky. Those in North Carolina and northern parts of SC have gotten the brunt of Hurricane Florence. If there is any bright spot at all in this, it is that volunteers from Texas and other states went to North Carolina to help. It’s that old thing of humans helping humans in disasters. An official update after the storm had hit, began with a a man, whose name I did not catch, talking about how humans help one another in crisis. He went further to say that there is within us the need, desire and ability to help others. He offered a prayer that we would do that more and more as we get in touch with that impulse that is in most humans. It struck me as extraordinary that he began his update in that manner. It said to me that there is a dawning awareness that our species is not living up to its potential the way we are capable of. That we need to be more in touch with the plight of our neighbors, friends and even strangers who need our help. In fact, the meteorologist said - we have to help one another and that should take precedence above race, religion, politics and other things we use to divide us. This came during a public announcement which was amazing to me and stressed how deep this awareness runs. One day I hope we do not need a disaster to get in touch with the impulse to help one another. And, that the desire to help transcends any and all excuses we have been using to divide us. We all live on this relatively small blue and green planet. It’s what we’ve got. What we do to it and on it rests on the shoulders of all of us. We have some choices to make and make them sooner than later. How do you really want to spend your circumscribed time on this Earth? I have read documented accounts and have actually spoken with people who have “died” and come back. Universally, they have said they felt great love and some said joy. So…if we are all going and it’s not so bad once we do, what is all this struggle about? It’s so easy to get busy and focused on so many other things we forget we are human and so is everyone we meet. We are each fallible, vulnerable and mortal. Knowing that we all share those qualities should make us more compassionate and accepting of one another. Now is a good time to put that awareness into practice in our daily life. I am learning and growing just like you. We can all do this together. My best to you, Dianne, Accountability Coach Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash There’s always another chance. Another opportunity. Another time. You will never run out of possibilities. Life is generous. The one thing we must do is to stop thinking we know the best outcome for something. We might think we do, but we may miss seeing the bigger picture. As humans we often do that. We tend to look at things from a smaller perspective and from a place of emotional attachment to an outcome. When we can surrender to the wisdom of life and allow things to unfold in the best way, everything turns out much better. We are taught to control things which doesn’t always work for the best. I am not suggesting that we sit around and do nothing or just throw up our hands. What I am suggesting is that we take the steps we know we should and then watch as things unfold and see what that suggests we do next. That way we are working in concert with the Universe. We become partners. When we watch people doing that we think of them as lucky because things always seem to turn out for them. But, what is really happening is they are paying attention and are not so attached to a particular outcome that they miss the real opportunity. Usually, we have a scenario for how what we want should happen. We see it step by step to the final unfolding. We are focused on how it should all play out. I worked with a client recently who was so sure she knew the steps her business would take that she could not hear any analysis or next steps that did not fit with her fixed vision. She is missing some key places she should be paying attention to. Her will is very strong and she may be able to sustain things for a while but eventually she is going to have to focus on the places she is now overlooking or her business will stall until she does. There’s another aspect of not seeing possibilities and not paying attention to what would be the better next step because of insistence that we know best. It’s exhausting! When we don’t partner with the Universe everything rests solely on our shoulders. We can’t trust other people who might be sent to us as helpers. The Universe is very efficient and will use the best way to assist us, be it another person, a book, a phone call or things that seem to just come out of the blue. There is a wisdom greater than our human perspective and it lives inside of us which means we have to shift out of our limited view and open to a broader understanding to see it. But if we miss it, there will be another time. And yet another and another until we run out of our time here on earth. Our job is to pay attention and to stop thinking we’ve got the only solution. To open up to other ways of seeing things and entertaining other ideas. It’s all there for us – the next opportunity to see and understand more fully. And there will be another one right behind it if we miss it. Trust yourself, trust the Universe and look for your next chance. My best to you, Dianne, Accountability Coach Visit:
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